Top 5 Helpful Things to Know About TikTok

If you're not on TikTok yet, you're missing out! This social media platform is quickly becoming the go-to place for short-form videos. And it's not just for Gen Zers - more and more adults are using TikTok to connect with friends, create content, and even promote their businesses.
If you're new to TikTok or considering joining the platform, here are 5 helpful things to know:
TikTok is a short-form, video-sharing app that allows users to create and share short videos (now up to 10 minutes), on any topic.
TikTok is a content creator's paradise! This short-form video-sharing platform enables users to flex their creative skills and share content up to 10-minutes long on any topic imaginable. From skits, beauty tips, and music covers to pranks and parodies, content creators have tapped into TikTok's potential as a powerful content creation hub. With content as varied as the minds that created it, one thing is for sure - if you can think it, you'll find it on TikTok!
TikTok is available in over 150 markets and in 75 languages.
TikTok has established itself as one of the most inclusive social media platforms today, with its availability in over 150 markets and 75 languages. This provides many opportunities for people of all backgrounds to come together, regardless of location or language. It allows for users from around the world to come together to create unique content, exchange ideas, and engage in virtual communities no matter where they are from. By being inclusive and providing access across the globe, it truly sets TikTok apart from other social platforms.
TikTok has been downloaded more than 2 billion times globally.
It's amazing to think that TikTok has been downloaded more than 2 billion times globally! This amazing growth means that the short-form video platform is one of the most popular apps ever. It's certainly no surprise, considering how creative and fun the app is for users - being able to express oneself with music, dance, comedy, and more is all part of its charm. With increasing download numbers, it looks like the sky is the limit for TikTok!
The average TikTok user spends 52 minutes per day on the app.
People have fallen in love with the app TikTok and it’s no surprise why people spend around 52 minutes of their day on it. Whether people are simply scrolling to watch videos or trying their hand at making lip-sync videos, people can find hours of entertainment from just this one app. TikTok has taken the online world by storm and people cannot seem to get enough of its platform. Not only does it entertain people but it also lets them feel connected to communities with people who share common interests which often times enhance user experience. It truly is rare to not find someone using the app these days!
In February 2019, TikTok was the most downloaded iPhone app in the United States.
February 2019 was a game changer for social media, as TikTok proved to be the most downloaded iPhone app in the United States. It appears that users have had enough of classic social media conventions and are ready for something new and exciting. Not only did TikTok show up out of nowhere, taking over the social media scene like an unexpected gust of wind, but it also took the number one spot on the iPhone Apps list without any promises of filters or carefully planned algorithms. Its success is a testament that social media is changing, and perhaps people are finally starting to break away from social norms. That's what makes February 2019 so special: TikTok just might be ushering in a wave of change in social media - which is sure to leave us all feeling tick-tock-thrilled!
Join in on the fun and download TikTok today! See how creative you can be with short video content. If you're looking for a challenge, try making a video that is 3 minutes or longer. There are endless possibilities on what you can do on TikTok.