Five Things We Learned from the Amazon Creator Summit 2022

Five Things We Learned from the Amazon Creator Summit 2022
This year we were happy to sponsor the Amazon Creator Summit with our Selfie One Light and to interact and see lots of glowing creators who are currently killing it online. 

At LITTIL, we love to invest in new creators because we can learn so much from the wave of upcoming superstars, just like you, who are on their way to becoming entrepreneurs. 

Here are five things we learned from this year's Creator Summit and our thoughts on them. We hope you'll keep these sentiments in mind as you create your own glowing content. 


  1.  Know Contract Terms and Verbiage for Partnerships 

    As you grow and continue to invest in your content, there will come a point where you go from being a creator to a business owner. Navigating these different levels of success can be difficult, but something especially important to watch out for are contract terms and the verbiage for partnerships.

     Contract terms can include elements like:

    • Brand campaign guidelines
    • Non-disclosure agreements 
    • Compensation model
    • Deliverables 
    • Deadlines 
    • Exclusivity 

    These will define how you work with brands, and they will also likely define measurable success with those brands. Knowing contract terms is key to making sure that you are meeting the expectations and standards of the people you work with. This is part of building a reputation as a content creator and influencer and will allow you to nurture Partnerships.

    Partnerships happen when contracts provide value to both parties in such a way that both the creator and brand want to keep working together. 

    Pay attention to the verbiage businesses use when considering or offering partnerships because it can make all the difference in maintaining something mutually beneficial or being trapped in a contract that may hurt your business. 


      2.  Building a Team Has So Many Benefits. Start!

    It can be tempting to think that you can get everything done alone, but the truth is you need a team. It takes a team of people to produce great quality content and make sure it is marketed appropriately on social media. It takes a team to understand what metrics will help you grow your business and how to track them effectively. It takes a team to manage the budget so that you stay in the green.

    Building a team is so valuable for content creators because no content creator can do it alone. 

    Start now! 

    Whether you learn to delegate micro tasks so that you can focus on big-picture ideas or you hire a writer so that you can focus on social media marketing, building a team is key to growing your brand. 

    More importantly, building a team is a way to invest in people.  

    When you add someone to your team, you are essentially saying: “I know you're the person that can help me.” There is an inherent exchange of value that comes with surrounding yourself with people who share the same vision as you.

    Start now investing in those relationships. Start now by investing in people who want to grow with you. Start now by building the team you want to celebrate your entrepreneurial milestones with.  


      3.  Be Consistent and Stay Authentic

      Consistency is the key to growth, but if you are consistent and inauthentic it will ultimately be hard to maintain. 

      Be consistent and stay authentic so that you can build and nurture partnerships that will see the true value that you provide.  

      Consistency is a metric for most brands. When you begin pitching and looking for more work, brands will pay attention to how often you post. This is part of how they determine whether to work with you or not. 

      Being authentic is the best way to create glowing content. Authenticity is the secret sauce to standing out online.


        4.  Make an Impact on Your Community 

      Providing value with your content is one of the best ways to make an impact on your community. Your content isn't just pictures that look good or videos that catch someone's attention. They are an opportunity to connect with your audience authentically and build community. 

      Whether you're sharing fashion, beauty, or lifestyle content, what you create may be exactly what your community needs to see to get inspired. 

      Many influencers create content because of their community. You begin to make an impact when you create for your community. Never forget the value and impact you can have when you choose to show up authentically online.  


        5.  There is Space for Everyone as a Creator 

      The creator economy is unique because it gives people the ability to monetize what makes them different. Whether it’s the way they create content, the way that they speak, or even their fashion style, being a creator is an opportunity to show up authentically and get paid to do it. 

      There's room for everyone to be a creator. Whether you're a busy mom who's interested in blogging or you're a student who wants to share your life with the world, there's space for you. There is always someone who is looking for exactly what you bring to the table. 


      Make an Impact with LITTIL 

      Those were our top five takeaways from the Amazon Creator Summit 2022! We're proud to sponsor and support creators from all backgrounds and stages of life as they go on their glowing content journey. Don't forget to stay authentic as you put your shine out into the world with LITTIL

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